Wednesday, February 8, 2012

TaKiNg a LoOk at our ChRiStMaS 2011

We played in the snow in Flagstaff...our gloves didn't fit, but these babe's didn't care!  They were so excited to see the 'white stuff' and play in it!!

Little America was so beautiful!  The lights were gorgeous and the atmosphere was a 'mood setter' for celebrating the birth of our Saviour!! 

The Polar Express was a blast!  Noah had a smile the entire time!  Alex was terrified of Santa, but Alex is also a mama's girl!  From one mom to another, if you can save, take a trip up to the Polar Express; there is nothing like making memories with your kids and traditions that they will take with them their entire life!  The smile and memories made will forever be remembered from this mama!

On Christmas morning, both kids had a blast seeing what Santa brought them! We had a relaxing day going on walks, to the park, playing soccer and watching Christmas movies!  Elf is a favorite in our house!  On the 26th the kids and I continued Christmas in Yuma!  The kids had a blast playing with cousins late at night, seeing aunts and uncles, great grandparents, and their moni and papa!  Overall, our 2011 Christmas was a blast and made a lot of memories!! 

I am ready to have the best year yet...2012 is going to be full of memories that last a lifetime!!  Bring on all the blessings God has for our family!! 

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